Student Parking Permit Information
Please review the following information regarding parking on campus.
All students who park on school property must register with the Discipline Office and complete the vehicle registration and acknowledgement forms. A parent/guardian signature must be obtained. When completed, please email the documents. This will save you a spot. We will outline a plan to distribute the decals as we get closer to the beginning of in-person learning.
The student parking lot is located south of the football field and can only be accessed from the south off of Whyman Avenue. Students may not park in the neighborhood or in the faculty lots. Should this happen, the vehicle may be towed at the owner’s expense.
La Joya Community High School does not provide parking lot supervision or security. You park at your own risk. Loitering is prohibited in the parking lot, and students are not permitted to access their vehicle at any time during the school day. No drugs, alcohol, or firearms are permitted on school property and this includes within vehicles.
Parking tags are not transferable to another student or vehicle without prior administrative approval. Parking in a lot without a permit or failure to comply with parking rules and regulations may result in disciplinary action, including the loss of parking privileges and possible suspension from school.
Parking lot spots are assigned, and when students arrive on campus, they should park in their designated spot.